Stationary Play Series
installation view: Les Arènes de Lutèce, Nuit Blanche 2014, Paris
Stationary Play Series
short extract of site-specific projection at Les Arènes de Lutèce, Nuit Blanche 2014, Paris
Stationary Play Series - Silent Hill video loop
Stationary Play Series - Dark Cloud video loop
Stationary Play Series - Lara (rain) video loop
Stationary Play Series - Bond video loop
Stationary Play Series - Lara (room) video loop
Stationary Play Series - GTA video loop
Stationary Play Series - LOTR video loop
Stationary Play Series - Ponco video loop
Stationary Play Series (2005-10)
Single or multi-channel video projection
DVD PAL 16:9 or 4:3, 9 x ca. 1 min. endless loops, amplfier/speakers; QuickTime Master
The Stationary Play Series explores our relationship to computer generated characters.
The work presents a series of video loops, which were assembled from the moments of non-interaction with the virtual characters of video and console games (i.e. not touching or controlling the buttons, joysticks, etc.). Deprived of this 'human' input the game characters slip into an endless repetition of stationary actions and gestures.
Removed from their game narrative and fixed in their location, and despite of their low resolution rendering, the work aims to explore how far we are able to perceive familiar 'human' emotional states displayed by these characters, how far we can 'connect' to them and 'feel' their restlessness, boredom and their apparent increasing uneasyness in some instances.
Exhibition history:
Site-specific projection
4 October 2014
Les Arènes de Lutèce, Paris
Site-specific projection
9 - 22 July 2010
Project Space 11, Plymouth, UK