HandMade installation view
The Body in Pieces, Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art

HandMade video still
The Body in Pieces, Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art

HandMade installation view (detail)
The Body in Pieces, Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art
HandMade video extract/installation view
The Body in Pieces , Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art
Single-channel video projection
1 x DVD PAL 4:3, 0:08 min, endless loop
VHS Master
The video installation HandMade shows a short video loop of a disembodied hand, hitting a wall in a ritual, mantra like manner.
A TV monitor becomes a makeshift projector and throws the image back on the same wall. The endless beating against the wall turns more and more into a desperate and frenzied gesture.