Fast-Feet video stills

Fast-Feet installation view
Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art

Fast-Feet installation view
Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art
Fast-Feet video documentation (extract)
Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art
Three-channel video installation
Three 24" TV-monitors
3 x DVD PAL 4:3, stereo, 3:42 min, endless loops;
VHS Master
"Technology promises to enable us to be anywhere
at anytime but instead we end up being nowhere
all the time"
(after Martin Heidegger)
The video work Fast-Feet shows the artist running barefoot in the gallery space. The original video footage was filmed in the actual exhibition space and then doubled in speed in the editing process. The resulting video sequence was looped and then played back slightly out of synch on the 3 monitors placed around the gallery space.