Books mentioning projects of mine & Exhibition Publications
Atombomber, döskallar och flygande mattor - essäer om samtidskonst
[Nuclear bombs, skulls and flying carpets - essays on contemporary art]
Mathias Jansson, Published by ISBN 978-91-86915-26-1
Visible Economies. Photography, Economic Conditions, Urban Experiences.
Includes an essay about London/London by Martin Newth.
Book published by Photoworks & University of Brighton, UK 2012. ISBN 9781903796481
Creatividad y discursos hipermedia
Verónica Perales Blanco (Ed). Geolocalización y Privacidad (
Book published by Universidad de Murcia, Spain. EDITUM IDEAS, 2013. ISBN 9748415463443
Web arte e poéticas do território
Includes project. Book by Maria Amelia Bulhões.
Published by Editora Zouk, Porto Alegre, Brasil 2011. ISBN 9788580490152

Poetique du Chantier.
Exhibiton catalogue. Published by Musée-Château d'Annecy, France 2009.
13: Public. The Chronicle of New Media Art
GPS Projects (2003-07) with an audio commentary by curator and art critic Pau Waelder.
Biannual DVD publication featuring nine contemporary artists. Boston, USA 2009.
Imagineacity: Architectures for Creativity
Curated by Shauna McCabe. Exhibition catalogue.
Published by the Owens Art Gallery in conjunction with the Centre for Humanities and Arts Research in Transdisciplinary Space. Brunswick, Canada 2008.

The 4th Triennale der Photographie Hamburg 2008
Exhibition catalogue. Published by Triennale der Photographie Hamburg GmbH
Dölling und Galitz Verlag GmbH München/Hamburg. ISBN 978-3-937904634.

El paisatge a traves de l'art digital. Exhibition catalogue 'Metalandscapes'
Published by Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca, Spain 2007.
Roza-mira 07
Exhibition catalogue. Published by Marka FF, Moscow. Russia 2007.
Between Fast-Food and Eternity
Exhibition Brochure. 'Theme and Variation in the Work of Thorsten Knaub'
Text by Peter Suchin. (Translation into german by Jürgen Schulz.)
Published by Städtische Galerie. Erlangen, Germany 2001.

Slade Journal Vol. 3
Slade School of Art Degree Show Catalogue.
Includes works from all graduating students from the Slade School of Fine Art, University College London in 1999. Vol. 3, summer 1999. ISSN 1368-6305.
Printed Press, Magazines, Web...
Online Music Magazine (in french)
Listening Station - music for shakuhachi and abandoned structures. CD Review of by Fabrice Allard.
Art Monthly
Review of CAPITAL group exhibition at George & Jørgen Gallery is featured in
London Round-up by Chris Fite-Wassilak. Art Monthly, Issue 359 September 2012. London, UK.
10 Proyectos de Arte Y Geolocalización
A selection of art projects dealing with geolocation by writer and critic Pau Waelder. (in spanish)
Arte Y Cultura Digital. Blog of the Art & Digital Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
European Shakuhachi Society Newsletter
Listening Station - music for shakuhachi and abandoned structures.
CD Review by Joe Browning.
Issue 20 February 2012, p. 20/21.
NEURAL Magazine
Listening Station - music for shakuhachi and abandoned structures.
CD Review by Aurelio Cianciotta. Issue 41, p.31. Bari, Italy.
TIP-Magazin Berlin
'Raumklang'. Listening Station - music for shakuhachi and abandoned structures.
CD Review by Hagen Liebing. Issue 26.11.2011, p. 86.
Meditation: Architekturvermessung mit Flöte
Listening Station - music for shakuhachi and abandoned structures. CD Review by TM.
taz – die tageszeitung (online edition), 11.11.2011. Berlin. Germany. (in german)
Matita? No, GPS
Article about GPS art by writer and critic Domenico Quaranta.
l'Unita. n. 231, 25th August 2009. p38/39; online, 09.09.2009. (in italian)

Arcade: Moments not Monuments
Article about the 'Arcade' group exhibition by Craig Martin.
Art & Architecture Journal. Double Issue 66/67, Autumn 2008. London, UK.
Det digitala landskapet
Article about digital art and landscape by Mathias Jansson. (in swedish)
Tidningen Kulturen, Online Culture Magazine, 15.08.08. Published by h:ström - Text & Kultur.
Time Out London
Review by Derek Adams of the short film Counterweight.
Time Out Issue October 31st - November 6th, No. 1941, p 102. London, UK.
La Fundación Miró de Palma revisa el concepto de paisaje
Article about Metalandscapes group exhibition by R. Bosco, S. Caldana.
El País – Ciberpaís. 08.11.2007, p. 9. (in spanish)
Drawing in the Emptiness of Space
Article by Pau Waelder about GPS projects (2003-7).
Magazine électronic du Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Montréal. Canada, 2007.

Dragonera borrada del mapa [translation: "Sa Dragonera erased from the map"]
Susana López Lamata. ADN Mallorca, 26.09.2007, p. 4. Mallorca, Spain 2007. (in spanish)
Malerei auf Schritt und Tritt
Brigitte Kramer. Interview at the Metalandcapes exhibition.
Mallorca Zeitung. Issue no390, November 2007. Mallorca, Spain 2007. (in german)
La crítica ecológica de Thorsten Knaub a través del arte digital en la Dragonera
[translation: "The ecological critic of Thorsten Knaub by means of digital art on Sa Dragonera"]
Laura Jurado. El Mundo, 26.09.2007. Mallorca, Spain 2007.
Thorsten Knaub recorre Sa Dragonera para borrarla virtualmente en 'Metapaisatges'
[translation: "Thorsten Knaub walks on Sa Dragonera to virtually erase it in 'Metapaisatges'"]
Mateu Cuart. Diario de Mallorca, 26.09.2007, p.65. Mallorca, Spain 2007. (in spanish)
L'illa de Sa Dragonera s'esborra sota les passes de l'artista Thorsten Knaub
[translation: "The island of Sa Dragonera disappears under the footsteps of artist Thorsten Knaub"]
N. Marti. Diari de Balears, 26.09.2007, p. 41. Mallorca, Spain 2007. (in spanish)
Sa Dragonera, objeto de una investigación plástica para la Fundació Miró
[translation: "Sa Dragonera is the subject of an artistic research carried out for the Miró Foundation"]
M. Garcias. Ultima Hora, 26.09.2007, p.73. Mallorca, Spain 2007. (in spanish)
Dragonera desaparece del mapa
[translation: "Sa Dragonera disappears of the map"]
Susana López Lamata. ADN Mallorca, 05.10.2007, p. 22. Spain 2007. (in spanish)
'Metapaisatges', arte digital sobre el entorno en la Miró
[translation: 'Metapaisatges', Digital art in the surroundings of Miró"]
Susana López Lamata. ADN Mallorca, 05.10.2007, p. 22. Spain 2007. (in spanish)
Los paisajes de la era digital
[translation: "Landscapes of the digital era"]
M. Elena Vallés. Diario de Mallorca, 05.10.2007, p. 69. Spain 2007. (in spanish)
La Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró inaugura una colectiva sobre el paisaje en el arte digital
[translation: "The Pilar i Joan Miró Foundation opens a group exhibition about landscape in digital art"]
M. Garcias. Ultima Hora, 05.10.2007, p. 74. Spain 2007. (in spanish)
La reinvenció del paisatge: tema central de la mostra 'Metapaisatges'
[translation: "The reinvention of landscape: main subject of the exhibition 'Metapaisatges'"]
M.M. Rayo. Diari de Balears, 05.10.2007, p. 18. Spain 2007. (in spanish)
El paisaje retocado por el arte digital
[translation: "Landscape recreated by digital art"]
M. Torío. El Mundo, 05.10.2007. Spain 2007. (in spanish)
Más allá del paisaje / Beyond Landscape
Azucena de la Rocha (Spanish/English)
In Palma Magazine - Special Issue on Contemporary Art. No. 12, 2007, p. 74/75. Spain.
Untitled Magazine
'The Cinema Machine' at OUTPOST Gallery, Norwich. Review by Isaac Mace-Tessler.
Untitled Magazine Spring Issue, No 40, p 24/25. UK 2007.
The Sunday Telegraph.
'The Cinema Machine' exhibition picked in things to see this week.
'Seven Says', Sunday arts review supplement 10.12.2006, p. 3. UK.
The Guide
Preview of 'The Cinema Machine' by Jessica Lack.
The Guardian. The Guide, 11.11.2006. UK.
Guardian Unlimited
This week's cultural picks (UK) South:'The Cinema Machine'. 11.11.2006.
The Guardian. Guardian Unlimited, 11.11.2006. UK.
DAGKAART Chart Art 3. GPS Diary - 1 of 4 featured art projects.
BRIGHT 08 Magazine, April/May 2006, p. 25. Netherlands. (in dutch)
My Most Personal Latitudes and Longitudes
Rhizome Net Art News item by Ryan Griffis about, 21.11.2005.
William Hollister – Review of 'Like beads on an abacus designed to calculate infinity' exhibition.
Umelec - Magazine for Contemporary Art & Culture. International Edition, 02/2004, p. 26. Czech Republic.
Art Monthly
David Barrett – Review of 'Like beads on an abacus designed to calculate infinity' exhibition.
Art Monthly, Issue June, no 277. London, UK.
Fakten und Fiktion
Preview of solo exhibition 'Between Fast-Food and Eternity'.
Erlanger Nachrichten, 06.04.2001. Germany.
Ironie im Spiel mit der Illusion
Kurt Jauslin - Review of solo exhibition 'Between Fast-Food and Eternity'.
Erlanger Nachrichten, 18.04.2001. Germany.
Other Web, Blogs, TV, Radio...
LeMonde Blogs. Numérique, l'art est toujours en avance. Honor Harger, 13.09.2013.
Wu Wei: A Spiritual Comics Anthology. Mike Medaglia (ed). 27 writers and artists explore spirituality through the medium of comics. Use of music track from Listening Station – music for abandoned structures and shakuhachi on promotional video. YouTube link. UK, 2013.
FOXY-DIGITALIS. Online music magazine. Listening Station CD review by Paul Simpson. 2012.
10 Proyectos de Arte Y Geolocalización. Pau Waelder, 29.06.2012. Arte Y Cultura Digital - Online Magazine, UOC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain 2012.
Bongartz – Freitag ist Musiktag. Listening Station CD review in newsletter issue 48, 2011.
BBC Radio 3. Improvisation II from Listening Station CD. Late Junction with Fiona Talkington on 25.10.2011.
Metapaisatges. Blogpost by Miguel Ángel Gómez. 31.01.2010.
FIAC - Fundamentos Informáticos del Arte Contemporáneo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Vernissage TV. A short report about the Metalandscape exhibition with artist interviews.
Rhizome. Metalandscapes at the Pilar i Joan Miró Foundation by Pau Waelder, 11.10.2007
Cultura Mallorca – La revista cultural. 'Metapaisajes' – Pau Waelder No.7, p. 6-9. Spain, 2007.
Expect the Unexpected. Article about the contemporary art scene in Norwich. The Guardian, G2. 10.07.2007, p.4.
Maps for Maps' Sake – Scott Taylor. Musings about maps; includes GPS Diary project. 2007.
Art links. Blog item about GPS Diary project and other projects. Web-site of Smith College USA. 2007.
A discussion between Robert Filby and Thorsten Knaub Interview at Outpost Gallery on 29.10.2006.
¿Por dónde te mueves? – Blog by Alfonso de la Fuente Ruiz about GPS Diary project. (spanish)
Can We Break the Speed of Light – Fabienne Nicholas. Artist Newsletter – online, 22.08.2006.
IMM Post 1: Big Interactivity – Blog by Anthony Sapp (GPS Diary project). 2006.
Rose Goldsen Library Archive of New Media Art. Ecopoetics - Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival.
Curated by Timothy Murray, Tom Shevory, and Patricia Zimmermann. USA, 2006. – l'arte contemporanea in Italia. GPSDIARY: la vita di un uomo convertita in linee – News item by Luca Barbeni about GPS Diary project. 28.12.2005. (italian)
WIRELESS ART – Blogspot. News item about GPS Diary project. 25.11.2005.
Diego Pérez (ed). (spanish)
Bob Congdon Blog. News item about GPS Diary project. 2005. News item about GPS Diary project. 2005
Information aesthetics. News item about GPS Diary project. 2005. 'Follow Along' - News item about GPS Diary project. 2005.– interactive, design, motion design: News item about GPS Diary project. 2005. - Informationsgestaltung/Informationdesign.
News item about GPS Diary project. 30.11.2005.
From A(rt) to D(igital). Blog item about GPS Diary project. 06.12.2005. (italian)
alt_imagen – Alteracíon Algorítmica de Imagen y Animacíón. News item about GPS Diary project. 15.11.2005.
Gabba TV website. Mob addicts Anon - News item about GPS Diary project. 15.11.2005.
Artist Spotlight! Media Project News GPS Diary project is featured alongside Congo the chimp and Bruce Nauman. December 2005. Hunterdon Central Regional High School, USA.
Frieze Art Magazin. Andrew Hunt – Review of Anglo Ponce exhibition. Issue 78, October 2003.
Television News Report about Between Fast-Food and Eternity solo exhibition on regional TV.
Franken Fernsehen, 17.04.2001. Germany.