London/London installation view
Total Recall Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, 2010

London/London installation view
Total Recall Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, 2010

London/London installation view
Total Recall Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, 2010
London/London installation view/video extract
Total Recall Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, 2010
Two-channel synched video projection
2 x DVD 8:22 min, silent, loop play.
Super 8/HDV Master.
The video installation London/London consists of a re-shoot of a Super-8 tourist movie, filmed by the artist's father in London in 1974. The locations of the Super-8 film were re-filmed shot by shot with a video camera matching details of the original: time of year, weather conditions, framing of the shots as well as the as well as the hand-held camera movements.
Exhibition history:
13 July - 3 August 2012
George and Jørgen Gallery, London
25 March – 25 April 2011
Museo del Calzado de Inca
Mallorca, Spain
29 April – 9 May 2010
Concourse Gallery
Byam Shaw School of Art, London
• Visible Economies - Photography,
Economic Conditions, Urban Experiences
Photography book with an essay
by Martin Newth about London/London
• Short review of CAPITAL group exhibition at George & Jørgen Gallery
London Round-Up, Art Monthly