Moon (handheld)
video still

Moon (handheld)
video still

Moon (handheld)
video still
Moon (handheld)
video loop
Moon (handheld)
Single-channel video projection
DVD PAL 16:9, 1:10 min, silent, loop play
QuickTime Master
The video work Moon (handheld)
is inspired by the first human close-up observations of the moon through the optical device of the telescope.
In August 1609 Thomas Harriot observed the moon through a 6-powered telescope near London and created a number of drawings based on his observations. Throughout the same year Galileo Galilei used different powered telescope (3 to 20 powered) to make detailed observations of the moon and made the instrument famous.
In 2009, 400 years later the early discovery is replicated using a simple video camera, the digital image replacing the optical image.