Woman sitting on Bench
Oil on canvas with video projection

Woman sitting on Bench
Oil on canvas with video projection

Woman sitting on Bench (Detail)
Oil on canvas with video projection
Woman sitting on Bench
(Projection on canvas - video documentation)
Woman sitting on Bench
Oil on canvas 56 x 92 cm
Video projector, amplifier and speaker
DVD PAL 10:30 min, endless loop
Mini-DV Master
Woman sitting on Bench combines video and painting to explore the notions of movement and action within image making.
Minimal movement present in the video footage is contrasted with the painted image to create a reflective, meditative space on the painted surface. Here the juxtaposition of video with painted image aims to examine ideas about past, present and future memories in particular
Exhibition history:
7 July - 8 August 2006
Claremont Art Space, Hastings, UK
Can We Break the Speed of Light
exhibition review by Fabienne Nicholas