Exercise for one person, one armchair, two cameras...
(4 video stills)

Exercise for one person, one armchair, two cameras...
(2 of the resulting images)

Exercise for one person, one armchair, two cameras...
Total Recall, Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, 2010
Exercise for one person, one armchair, two cameras...
(extract of video)
Exercise for one person, one armchair, two cameras and one roll of film
36 colour prints arranged as a two-part digital print, each 14 x 200 cm
video monitor, DVD PAL 4:3, 11:20 min loop play; Mini-DV Master
A relaxed casual sitting positions becomes the object of a repetitive and seemingly absurd activity.
The work examines artistic process through an obsessive game like exercise.
Exhibition history:
29 April - 9 May 2010
Concourse Gallery
Byam Shaw School of Art, London
Total Recall exhibition
short video documentation (YouTube)