GPS Miró exhibition view
Metalandscapes Miró Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

GPS Miró exhibition view (detail)
Metalandscapes Miró Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
GPS Miró video documentation
Metalandscapes Miró Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
GPS Miró
Video of walking in Palma (extract)
GPS Miró
Data animation, DVD and digital print
Data projection, dimension variable;
Digital print, 17,3 x 23 cm
Flash file, 3:40 min, DVD 16:31 min; loop
GPS Miró was inspired by Miro's sketchbooks he made in Palma de Mallorca in the 1940s as well as the geographical and architectual characteristics of Palma itself.
Knaub walked three days through selected streets in Palma de Mallorca, equipped with a GPS receiver, to create the work.
Exhibition history:
4th Triennale of Photography
11 - 20 April, 2008
Deichtorcenter Hamburg, Germany
29 February - 30 March 2008
Owens Art Gallery
Mount Alison University, Canada
5 October 2007 - 6 January 2008
Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
• Article about GPS projects
by Pau Waelder in Montreal's
CIAC Electronic Magazine
• Metalandscapes exhibition website
• Press clippings about Metalandscapes
• Press release of Metalandscapes
• imagineacity exhibition website
• 4th Triennale of Photography website